The Lotus Pantry is a senior-focused free food pantry designed to combat senior hunger in East Baton Rouge Parish. The pantry service is possible due to a partnership with the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank, the USDA, and the Louisiana Department of Agriculture Commissioner Mike Strain. The Lotus Pantry is one of the largest senior food pantries in Baton Rouge.
Through this partnership seniors now have an opportunity to receive Food Bank items consisting of fresh fruit, produce, baked goods, canned goods, and personal toiletries. The Lotus Pantry serves to decrease senior hunger and combat food deserts in our community.
“The Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank is glad to join with the EBRCOA to help us better address the increasing issue of senior hunger in East Baton Rouge Parish,” said Mike Manning, Food Bank President and CEO.
The Lotus Pantry supports the mission of “Supporting Independence ~ Serving Seniors” by increasing senior access to life’s necessities and improving their quality of life.
The Lotus Pantry is located at
1701 Main Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802