The EBRCOA takes pride in providing care-based and wellness services to the increasing number of seniors residing in the largest parish in the state of Louisiana.
We provide services such as Meals on Wheels, Personal Care and Homemaker Assistance to seniors in the comfort of their homes.

Short Term:
- Renovation of Homewood Senior Center; updating the facility’s pools in order to offer water-aerobics and other aquatic wellness programming.
- Incorporation of comprehensive/multi-spectrum wellness plans for the aging population – “from food to feelings” – eating right and mental wellness.
- The grand opening of our Lotus Center at 1701 Main Street. The Lotus Center will be a State-of-the-art full service 16,500 square feet adult activity center for the senior community. The center will be an extensive facility for activities and services most relevant to the aging community in the heart of downtown Baton Rouge.
- The grand opening of our Lotus Headquarters and Lotus Village senior housing development on approximately 8.6 acres in the Gracie neighborhood. The objective of the Lotus Village is to enable seniors to age in place, while offering a affordable and suitable housing option. We are ecstatic about this development which will allow it to serve as a commitment of our vested interest in this community.
Long Term:
- As part of the agency’s capital campaign, EBRCOA will begin renovating a number of its already-existing senior centers/meal sites and improving upon and expanding space; allowing for even MORE activities for a greater number of seniors looking to remain active and social (a vital component to EBRCOA’s mission).
- With the help of a strong volunteer force, and the resources produced via local community partnerships, EBRCOA aims to offer additional Meals on Wheels routes – reaching out to seniors residing in both impoverished areas as well isolated/rural corners of the parish.
- Through varying funding sources, EBRCOA aims to diversify its income sources, thus paving a road to self-reliance and independence.