Baton Rouge, LA – March 13, 2018 – The East Baton Rouge Council on Aging (EBRCOA) has announced changes to operations in an effort to be even more transparent in using tax payer dollars and more efficient in delivering quality services to seniors. The agency is proud to announce we have installed GPS systems and scanning systems to better track seniors who participate in activities at the 15 senior center sites.
The new GPS system have been installed on designated meal transport vehicles. The GPS system will monitor fuel consumption, map the most efficient meal delivery routes, and encourage driver safety. With an increase in meal delivery routes, the new GPS system will minimize driver error and save on fuel costs.
SeniorStat allows each senior participating in daily programming at each senior center location to scan a card via touch-screen, select activities they will be involved in for the day, thereby streamlining data collection and reducing unnecessary paper sign-in forms. With SeniorStat, the agency will be able to better track and manage the senior prescription drug program, the agency’s new short-term bill assistance program that helps seniors with their utilities, an intergenerational program that will provide activities for seniors and youth to interact, senior fitness and wellness programs, units of service for respite programs, congregate meal programs, homemaker services, nutrition counseling and personal care services. Seniors will also be able to register for future events and activities, allowing more accurate data in planning senior activities.
These changes are additional components of the Millage Implementation Plan, a commitment to the seniors of East Baton Rouge Parish. “We are excited about the changes we are implementing,” stated Chief Executive Officer Tasha Clark-Amar. “Our goal is to provide a great service for our seniors, most effectively, by maintaining credibility and accountability.”
East Baton Rouge Council On Aging: Supporting Independence ~ Serving Seniors
The East Baton Rouge Council on Aging (EBRCOA) is a non-profit organization serving the senior population of East Baton Rouge Parish. Annually, our agency delivers 375,240 meals through our “Meals on Wheels” program and over 140,000 meals to seniors through our senior centers and meal sites.