April 26, 2020
More Than 80,000 Donated Masks
April 26, 2020
EBRCOA Transforms into Congregate Meal Drive-Thru Service
April 24, 2020
Mayor Broome Announces Distribution of Donated Cloth Masks
March 22, 2020
Community: New Southeast Baton Rouge Rotary Club holds birthday bash
March 19, 2020
Council on Aging delivers meals to seniors during COVID-19 outbreak
March 19, 2020
Non-profit organizers say they’re seeing fewer and fewer helping hands
March 13, 2020
Visitation policies impacted by COVID-19
March 13, 2020
EBR Council of Aging transitions to “limited operations” because of coronavirus outbreak
November 21, 2019
Photos: EBR Council on Aging Thanksgiving Dinner and Dance